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The End of Play Essay -- Article Review, Marie Winn

A distant memory are the times of playing kickball and flying kites in the recreation center on a Saturday evening. Offspring of the present...

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Effects of Climate Change on Right Whales - 1389 Words

The effect climate change has on the environment is astounding, especially the effects targeted at right whales living within the ocean. The preservation of right whales is threatened due to the rise in temperatures, salinity changes, and sea level rise. By researching the effects of climate change on these whales, three things can be identified: the decrease in food sources for whales as a result of climate change, the effect of climate change on whale migration patterns and reproduction, and the effects of temperature and salinity variation on their communication. Understanding the effects climate change has on right whales is extremely important because they are influential to scientific research and understanding the stability of the ocean. Without the presence of whales, the oceanic food chain will be destabilized, leading to various problems that affect the economy, science, and the ocean’s productivity. If life within the ocean becomes destabilized, certain species will die off, others will overpopulate, and ultimately, humans will suffer the consequences. Right whales feed off of one general food source – calanus finmarchicus or plankton (www.rightwhales.neaq.org). However, due to the temperature rises and higher carbon concentrations in the ocean as a result of climate change, plankton populations have been affected. Through conductive testes, it was discovered that increased levels of CO2 in the ocean have lowered hatch rates and embryonic development ofShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Seaworld And San Diego1215 Words   |  5 Pagesout its killer whale shows. This decision is what PETA and other oppositions of SeaWorld has been seeking, but there is no news of ending these shows at their Orlando and San Antonio locations. There is Federal legislation in the works to ban orca breeding, importing and exporting them for public display. This legislation is called the Orca Act and is still in its early stages of proposal. Passing of th e Orca Act would most likely be the only way Orlando would stop its killer whale shows. StakeholdersRead MoreGlobal Warming and Climate Change: Melting the Marine Life Essay668 Words   |  3 PagesPacific region since they are being less adaptable, yet that area is fished more. â€Å"Climate change: The effects on ocean animals† (400 words) Many other animals besides the coral trout are being affected my global warming. The â€Å"poster child† for it is the polar bear, and some others are sea turtles, right whales, penguins, and seals. The polar bear lives up in the Arctic region where global warming and climate change are melting the ice caps that the bears thrive on. They use the ice as a platformRead MoreThe Effects Of Climate Change On Our Planet1172 Words   |  5 PagesClimate is the weather conditions over a long term. For millions of years, the earth kept changing between hot and cold, and wet and dry. As the earth warmed and cooled, plants and animals appeared and disappeared. People have had to change their way of life many times as plant and animal life changed. Since the industrial revolution, the humans built many factories and invented lots of electronic devices. They emit harmful gases called greenhouse gases like carbon dioxides and ozone, which affectsRead MoreThe Alarming and Troublesome Global Warming Issue 1407 Words   |  6 Pages Global warming has been one of the most challenging problems our society has encountered and people dont acknowledge that our climate change is becoming worse a s the time goes by. Climate change which is said to be the regular or ordinary weather in an environment consists of patterns like seasons and temperature. Climate patterns play such an important role in constructing an essential ecosystem, human economies and cultures that rely on them has raised the surface of the worlds oceans in recentRead MoreNoise Pollution Case Study Solution866 Words   |  4 Pages Noise Pollution Your Particular Case Study: http://e360.yale.edu/features/how_ocean_noise_pollution_wreaks_havoc_on_marine_life Table of Contents: Click here to jump to the right spot.î ¿ ¿ Research Notes Background on your topic: Your topic: Provide Solutions: Resources: Storyboard Rubricî ¿ ¾ Starting Point for Research Research Notes Background on your topic: Why is the ocean so important? (Food webs, oxygen producer, CO2 sink etc.) The ocean is important because it is a home to many different animalsRead MoreThe Sea Of The Mediterranean Sea1632 Words   |  7 Pagesto have hot, dry summers and wet winters except for the Southern regions considering they have desert-like climates. Early civilizations thought that the Mediterranean was the center of their region considering they had not traveled out of their boundaries yet, therefore giving its Latin name â€Å"mediterraneus†, meaning â€Å"middle of land.† Its combination of strong winds and an arid climate results in intense evaporation, causing a deficit of water in which nearly three million tons of water is evaporatedRead MoreNegative Impact of Whaling in Japan1125 Words   |  4 Pages Biodiversity often appears as an under the radar issue that is put on the backburner to other environmental problems such as: climate change, ocean acidification, or ozone depletion. When in reality, it should really be a frontrunner as it explicitly involves all living things that dwell within our shared biosphere. While the human population did not really start making waves to remedy the endangerment or extinction of plants and animals until the 1970s with laws that included, the Marine MammalRead MoreWhales and Interference654 Words   |  3 PagesEight out of 10 right whales bear the scars left behind by accidental encounters with fishing rope. These thick lines can wrap so tightly around the whales that they die from lacerations. (Ragen et. Al., 2005) Noise from numerous anthropogenic sources is both extensively and increasingly present within the marine surrounding. Human activities are leaving both deep and profound acoustic footmarks in the oceans of the world, and this is because of technological innovation and climate change. New and currentRead MoreAnimal Safety : Endangered Species1645 Words   |  7 Pageshorns in order for them to sell them in markets. So today tracking the rhino movements is necessary in order to help the program set up hotlines to help stop the poachers from approaching the rhinos. Many polar bears today are dying because of the climate change. Ice is beginning to melt and this equals a loss of sea ice for these animals to live in. WWF aims to preserve the rich biodiversity of polar bears in order to save them. The marine turtles are perhaps the most well know endangered species. ThisRead MoreOn April 29Th, Marking The First 100 Days Of The Trump803 Words   |  4 PagesOn April 29th, marking the first 100 days of the Trump administration, throngs will assemble in Washington, D.C. for the People s Climate Mobilization, a march to support action against climate change. Organizers say the number of participants could rival that of a similar 2014 event in New York City which drew 400,000 people. Activists in Massachusetts have already chartered dozens of buses to take demonstrators to D.C. I decided to join the march without a moment’s hesitation. Despite the prospect

Monday, December 16, 2019

Health Education Reduction Of Teenage Pregnancy - 1647 Words

HEALTH EDUCATION REDUCTION OF TEENAGE PREGNANCY IN THE UNITED KINGDOM (2010-2015) Introduction Teenage pregnancy (known as under-18 conception) negatively affects the health and wellbeing of both the young mothers and their children. Early parenthood is prone to the risk of postnatal depression, poor health (including mental health), social exclusion and by the age of thirty (30) there are more likely to live in poverty, have limited education, career and economic prospect. There is high risk of infant mortality and poverty living of children given birth to by teenage mothers. Teenage pregnancy is classified as the updated record of pregnancy (both the ones delivered and terminated) that occurs before the mother is eighteen (18) years of age. With the goals and objectives of the United Kingdom (UK) Governments to reduce teenage pregnancy, it still remains incredibly high. One of the objectives that was put in place was to improve the standard of living (that is, life chances) of these teenage mothers by ensuring they are educated. The statistics of under 18 conceptions is used to watch and record the trends of pregnancy by teenagers. This statistic is estimated as the number of conceptions in girls that are under 18 years of age divided by the population of females that are aged 15-17 and this is presented by per 1,000 girls. Health education is used widely to reduce the rate of teenage pregnancy as well as given effective knowledge to young people with regards sex andShow MoreRelatedReflecting on Sources: An Assignment1879 Words   |  7 Pageshelp in reducing and preventing of teen pregnancy. The organization is called The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy. She is influential because she has served on many advisory boards which promote the values and policies towards the prevention of teen pregnancy ADDIN EN.CITE The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy201197(The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, 2011a)979712The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy,Sarah Brown20111776 Massachusetts AvenueTheRead MoreEssay on British Pregnancy and Condoms799 Words   |  4 Pages The number of pregnancies across England and Wales, conceptions compared with 896,466 in 2009. An increase of this group with the exception of women aged under twenty. The teenage pregnancy rate in England and Wales has reached its lowest level since 1969,men and women of these countries hold a similar opinion, â€Å" Family may also be valued more highly during to be out of work, they may have more time to spend on a child due to financial concerns cause by recession.† According to most of BritainRead MoreThe Success Of The Teen Pregnancies1486 Words   |  6 Pages The Success of an Integrated Approach in the Prevention of Repeat Teen Pregnancies Suzan A. Dede Eastern Michigan University The Success of an Integrated Approach in the Prevention of Repeat Teen Pregnancies Teen mothers are at an increased risk for having subsequent births due to multidimensional and complex needs. These risks contain complex social and economic aspects and public health issues. These mothers appear to have a recurring theme associated with â€Å"poorer medical, educationalRead MoreTeen Pregnancy, Do We Really Know The Facts?1169 Words   |  5 PagesTeen pregnancy, do we really know the facts? Do we even know the common early signs of early pregnancy? Teenagers tend to close themselves off when they find out they are pregnant. Teenagers can not predict what life will be like with a new baby. They will go through several different emotions, exhaustion, and peer pressure-related stress. Teenage mothers are more likely to have lower school achievement and often drop out of school and develop health problems and also face unemployment as youngRead MoreBirth Control Access to Teens1463 Words   |  6 PagesFormal Outline Topic: Birth control access to teenage girls Thesis statement: Although teenage girls are prohibited from purchasing birth control, laws should be implemented to allow access to birth control as a means of managing safer sex, preventing the health risks and guarding them from the cycle of poverty. 1. Reasons for not allowing birth control to be given to teenagers A. It encourages sexual activity (Sex with many partners -promiscuity) B. Abstinence should be promoted Read MoreEssay about Sample Research Proposal on Teenage Pregnancy1172 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Sample Research Proposal on Teenage Pregnancy    Introduction This research proposal implies on teenage pregnancy and its effect on academic progression. There will be association between teenage pregnancy and academic progression places evidence that education should put weight on reality adhering to teenage pregnancy. Understanding teenage pregnancy within UK context is adamant to the purpose of study. Thus, the expectation that teenage pregnancy will be reduced by proper academic programsRead MoreThe Issue of Teen Pregnancy1458 Words   |  6 PagesTeen pregnancy The issue of teen pregnancy is a fact that can no longer be overlooked in terms of its magnitude in the society today. Despite the widespread sex education and peer counseling and guidance, there still is a wide prevalence of teen pregnancy, a challenge that does not only affect the teenagers but the society at large. Effects of teen pregnancy The aspect of teen pregnancy is one of the most challenging situations to be in as a young person as it could interrupt flow of schoolRead MoreThe Dangers Of Adolescent Pregnancy1453 Words   |  6 PagesAdolescent pregnancy occurs between the ages of 15-19 (as defined by the World Health Organisation) (Adolescent Pregnancy., 2014) and most commonly occurs in developing countries (Such as sub-Saharan Africa [Teen pregnancy statistics, 2016]). As many of the pregnancies happening are to young girls from under-developed countries, they are often unable to afford the necessary healthcare that most developed countries could provide expectant mothers. Due to the fact that under-developed countries haveRead MoreThe Popularity Of Teen Pregnancy1660 Words   |  7 PagesThe popularity of teen’s pregnancy worldwide has become a major concern in recent years. It is viewed as a global crisis as the increasing number of teenage girls bearing children outside of marriage or before graduating high school continue to rise. There are many reasons to scale down the teen pregnancy rate, and the financial costs of teens giving birth are important. After highly dropping for almost a decade-and-a-half, United States’ teen birth rate percentages began edging skyward in recentRead MoreTeenage Pregnancy Essay examples1012 Words   |  5 PagesTeenage Pregnancy, Why is this Important Kimberly O. Johnson American Sentinel University Nursing 505: Theoretical Foundations Dr. Ami Bhatt December 30,2012 Teenage Pregnancy: Why is this Important Teen pregnancy is a critical public health issue that affects the health and educational, social and economic future of the mother and child. Teen pregnancy is also a significant factor in numerous other important social issues: welfare dependency, out-of-wedlock births

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Academia and Text Matching Software free essay sample

Scabies (2007) argued that the electronic text matching software is not the solution to eliminating plagiarism because the soft. Are only focuses on text matching of paper under review with documents (journals, articles, e-books and conference papers) found on the internet or which has been previously submitted and this is a limitation because the only detection are focused on electronic materials without considering some non-electronic paper based documents which could still be plagiarisms.Walker (2010) stated that with the development of text matching software such as the turning plagiarism detection was made easier, however he emphasizes that the turning detection software is not 1 00 per cent efficient, it merely identifies and matches materials present in a document uploaded to turning website to materials available on the internet. Walker (2010) describes the electronic text matching software as a tool only suitable for detecting word for word or direct plagiarism in electronic form and the refined ones from the paper based sources are not easily detected. We will write a custom essay sample on Academia and Text Matching Software or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Moreover Carroll and Appleton (2001) argued that the turning is just an option for measuring plagiarism and that alone cannot be used as a basis for judging good scholarship practice. In addition Carroll and Appleton (2001) insist that the use of electronic software for detecting plagiarism requires human application and interpretation and that using turning alone as a medium for plagiarism detection is not proficient.According to Barrett and Malcolm (2006) the electronic text matching software (turning) only indicates possible plagiarism without any certainty, it is left to the tutor to determine the extent to which the writer has plagiarisms or included some sources in the paper without acknowledging where they were acquired. In conclusion the concept of plagiarism cannot be overemphasized. It has become a factor that has affected good academic scholarship practice and has created an avenue for educators to develop methods for detecting and dealing with plagiarism.The development o f the electronic detection software such as the turning has enhanced the detection of plagiarism however it cannot be relied upon completely because it is not effective. In addition it is important to understand that the best way to detect plagiarism is to use both the manual method which involves educators and he use of electronic text matching software such as turning.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Death Of A Salesman Essay Willy Gets Fired Example For Students

The Death Of A Salesman Essay Willy Gets Fired Instability Lead Life to Its EndThe character Willy Loman from the play Death of a Salesman has been read throughout the years with distinct interpretations. Many people have given different reasons to what led to Willys tragic fate. One interpretation I took was that Willys instability in his life led to his death. Some point that led in to my interpretation were his early family life, his relationship with Biff, and his job. Willys early family life was a difficult one with its many inconsistencies. In Willys early childhood his father left; this left him with many questions about his father and how to be a father. In one scene we see Willy talking to Ben and Willy voices questions and comments about when their father left. Willy asks Where is Dad? and says Dad left when I was such a baby and I never had a chance to talk to him. Willy also voices his concerns about being a father. He says sometimes Im afraid that Im not teaching them the right kind ofBen, how should I teach them? In this early life Willy and his family move around a lot. People and places changed around them fairly swiftly. Another inconsistency in his early family life was his relationship with his brother, Ben. Ben left Willy without looking back. Ben comes in and out of Willys life. We will write a custom essay on The Death Of A Salesman Willy Gets Fired specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Willys relationship with Biff has its highs and lows throughout the play making it difficult to establish a feel for their feeling towards each other. In the eyes of an early Biff there is nothing but love and devotion towards his father. Even Willy says Biff would go into the jaws of hell for me. This type of affections changes after Biff finds out about his fathers infidelity. Biff loses total respect for his father and calls Willy a liar and a fake. Willy saw early Biff as being a son he could be proud of with all Biffs football victories and successes with girls. As time passes and Biff comes home from the west it is evident that Willy no longer feels pride towards Biff. Biff has no job and wasnt making much money at his last job therefore Willy feels no pride towards Biff. Near the end of the play Willys feelings towards Biff change once again. Willy comes to believe that Biff loves him. Willy starts to says things like that boy is going to be magnificent. Willy was once again f eeling love towards Biff. Willys job causes him extra stresses involving loneliness and money. Willy continually was on the road causing him to have a lack of constant surrounding. We see this with all the people that come in and out of his life and his head. We also see a consequence of this with Willys loneliness. Willy gives the reason for his infidelity as being that he was lonely, terribly lonely. Another repercussion of Willys job was his money problems. At times Willy worked on commission causing extra stress on selling his product. Towards the end of the Broadway production, we saw a scene where people were rotating around Willy while Willy was also rotating. This scene shows nicely the instability that Willy was going through. Willy Lomans tragic death was in direct consequence to his instabilities. Words/ Pages : 582 / 24